Flagstar Nursing is specialized in healthcare staffing

Flagstar Nursing is specialized in healthcare staffing

When it comes to hiring new employees, you need to make sure that you have access to a pool of talented individuals. This is something very important to consider when it is about staffing in the healthcare industry. When you conduct a search for finding the best talents, it can limit the employers to a smaller local. But when you work with a professional healthcare staffing agency, like Flagstar Nursing, your reach will expand further. Flagstar Nursing is specialized in healthcare staffing. The hospitals and nursing homes can enjoy a wider choice.

A Reliable Healthcare Staffing Agency
Flagstar Nursing has years of experience in the field of healthcare staffing. Based on the requirements of hospitals, clinics, or nursing homes, the agency can tailor or customize the staffing solutions. When you are with Flagstar Nursing, you will never fail to fulfill your patients’ requirements and offer them the best healthcare services. For every business, their service quality matters the most. As Flagstar Nursing is specialized in healthcare staffing, the team is committed to finding and training the industry’s best and experienced professionals, including nurses and therapists.

Why Should You Work with Flagstar Nursing?
Candidates who want to begin their career in the medical field can search for a job on their own. However, this can be very challenging and time taking. Besides, the chances of finding a better paying job will also be low. However, by working with Flagstar Nursing, you can avoid such things. There are a number of benefits to finding work through

Flagstar Nursing. These are:

Better pay
One of the most important benefits for candidates is better pay. The staffing agency generally pays better to the employees compared to a hospital or nursing home. The weekly pay schedule has been changed, and now they don’t need to wait for months to get their money. While working as a nurse, you will be paid hourly and can also earn more by doing overtime. Different reports have proved that the per hour average salary of a Registered Nurse can range up to USD 32. And the overtime wages can go up to USD 45 per hour.

You can complete your education
When you are with Flagstar Nursing, you can find hospitals that will pay up to 100 percent of your tuition fees if you want to continue your education. As a result, you can complete your specialization without spending a lot of money.
A great level of flexibility

Another major benefit is job flexibility. With the staffing agency, you can control your working schedule. For you can regularly work, only on weekends, bi-weekly or more. You can also choose between a permanent or temporary job based on your requirements. If flexibility is something that is crucial for you, then be wary of staffing agencies that may impose minimum working hours or shifts for a particular time period. Flagstar Nursing is specialized in healthcare staffing and doesn’t enforce any mandates and allow the staff to decide their schedules.

Better network facilities
The agency can open up the doors to a lot of roles and facilities where you can enjoy better career opportunities. Instead of changing your career course, Flagstar Nursing allows you to choose shifts at different types of facilities. As a result, you will gain more experience and get a chance to work in a new environment.

Insurance facility
While working as an RN through Flagstar Nursing, you can enjoy different types of insurance, for example, prescription, dental, vision, and other medical insurances. Besides, in some cases, you can also enjoy malpractice insurance. It may be noted that the insurance plans may vary based on the employer you choose.

You can find work quickly
By choosing Flagstar Nursing, within a few days, you can find a good job in the medical industry if you have the required degrees or certificates. Searching for a nursing job on your own is time taking. The staffing agencies have fast onboarding as well as registration for the job seekers.

Flagstar Nursing specializes in healthcare staffing and understands the current demand for good and professional healthcare professionals. This is a perfect platform for both the candidates and employers. While employers can find the best talents, candidates will be able to find the best place to start their careers. Besides, they offer all the required support. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with Flagstar Nursing now to explore more.